Calvary is going through the 10-week Rooted Experience and during February each Rooted group will choose a serving project. Over 400 people will intentionally love their neighbor through their Rooted projects and we are so excited to see what they will do!
Even if you aren’t participating in a Rooted group, you are invited to participate in our Love Your Neighbor month! The challenge is to love your neighbor this month... intentionally.
Who is your neighbor? It might be your physical neighbor. It may be someone you work with or someone from your kid’s sports team. Below are a few serving ideas but the best ones come from asking the Holy Spirit to reveal a need to you. Whatever you choose, we’d love to hear how you participated in LYN Month - use the form below to share your group or individual efforts.
Bring someone a meal.
Shovel someone’s sidewalk.
Bring cookies or treats to the office staff at a school.
Pray for your neighbors.
Provide a free night of babysitting for young parents.
Clean out your closets and donate clothing (in good condition) to a local clothing closet.*
*We recommend the new clothing closet at Riverside Covenant Church or the From My Hands to Yours Ministry at Mt. Hope Church.
As you think about how God has created you to do good works, you may be wondering what gifts you have been given. Taking a spiritual gifts test can be helpful but it’s also important to ask God to help you know what gifts He has given you, invite others to share what gifts they see in you, experiment using different gifts and see where and how God is using you.
Click the link below to be added to the Love Your Neighbor group on our Church Center App.
This group is open to anyone who wants to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community! Formerly the "Help Text" that was created during Covid, this group will receive messages when a need arises (see examples below) and can comment if they are able to help.
When you join the group, it's important to make sure that the Church Center App is on the homepage of your phone with the notifications turned on. When a need is posted, you will receive a notification and can check to see the request. If you can help, you can comment. If you can't, there is no action needed. With so many in the group, if everyone meets a few needs every year, we can make a big difference working together!
If you know of a need, please don't post it in the group. Instead, text or email the need to Amy Anthony at 765-430-4453/, and she will pass along the request if it is appropriate for the group.
If you know someone who needs help, let us know at