If you consider Calvary to be your church home, we invite you to be a part of giving to the ministries and mission of Calvary. Your gifts not only allow us to continue to be on mission but also to help meet the needs of people in our church and community who are struggling and need assistance.
There are Four ways to give:
1. Drop cash or check into the buckets in the main auditorium after services. (please use contribution envelope!)
2. Give online by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
3. Mail a check to Calvary Church, 310 Kalberer Rd. West Lafayette, IN 47906
4. Text GIVE to 765.205.8044
If you need help with any of these three options, please contact Sarah Furry at sfurry@yourcalvary.church.
Your financial gifts are helping Calvary to do Kingdom work! Thank you for your generous and faithful giving. In addition to supporting the ministry at Calvary, over 10% of all offerings are given away to support our missions partners around the world.