Hearty Meals is a ministry of Calvary that provides meals for people when they have a new baby or are going through a time of sickness or crisis.
Join our email list and you will get a request when there is a need for meals. You pick the day and the meal. Some of our volunteers make a meal once a month, and others maybe only a few times a year.
We can also use volunteers who would like to donate gift cards for buying groceries OR chefs who would like to cook if someone else provided the groceries.
To sign up to be a part of the Hearty Meals team, contact us at heartymeals@yourcalvary.church. You do not have to be a part of the Hearty Meals team to sign up to bring someone a meal.
Hearty Meals Team: Jilian Ferguson, Lissa McKinnis, Erin Shepard
If you, or someone you know at Calvary is in need of a meal or multiple meals, we want to help. Sometimes we have freezer meals at the church and you can request to pick one up and deliver it. Or you can let our team know if a meal sign-up is needed. If the person you would like us to contact about setting up meals doesn't know that you are suggesting meals for them, please share that info in the comments section of the form. Click on MEALS NEEDED to fill out the form.