EMA is a court approved prevention program designed to advocate for moms in crisis to preserve their families. Bravely will match moms at risk of losing their children into foster care with an EMA advocate who builds meaningful relationship and provides holistic support, ensuring every mother has equal opportunity to achieve stability and keep their family together.
Women interested in becoming an advocate should submit an interest form and the EMA coordinator from Bravely will contact you for an interview. There is a three hour training (on zoom) and then you will be matched with a local mom to go through the curriculum. The Bravely staff will be there as a resource and support to you as an advocate.
This is a new program but so far the statistics are overwhelmingly positive for mother's achieving employment, improving their parenting practices and keeping families together.
If you are interested in becoming an advocate, click the link below or contact Alli Nelson at anelson@bravelywomenshealth.org.